What do you need help with?
- How do I post an image?
- Why is my image being rejected?
- How do I make an image appear full-width in my post?
- Can I edit an image after it’s been posted?
- Can I post images of textile art that I’ve created outside of Stitch Club?
How do I post images?
On a desktop or laptop computer
- Click on ‘Start a post’ at the top of the home page, or in any workshop space.
- Click on the ‘Add image’ icon in the toolbar.
- Alternatively, type ‘/image’ in the body of your post and select ‘Image’.
- Click ‘Choose file’, locate the image on your device, and double click on it to upload.
- Alternatively, drag and drop multiple images from your desktop.
- Click on the image in your post and choose the full-width option for optimum display.
- You can add more images to your post by repeating these steps.
- Click under the image(s) to add some text.
- When your post is ready, click ‘Publish post’.
- If you are posting from the members area home page, you’ll need to select which workshop the post belongs to. Choose the workshop from the dropdown list.
- If you are posting from inside a workshop, the post will automatically appear in the correct space, as well as on the home page feed.
On a phone or tablet
- Click on the '+' symbol at the bottom of the screen, or in any workshop space.
- If you are posting from the home page, you’ll be asked which space you’d like to post to. Choose a workshop from the dropdown list and click ‘Select space’. If you are posting from inside a workshop space, the post will automatically appear in the correct space, as well as on the home page feed.
- Click on the paperclip symbol and select an image from your device to add to the post. You can use the same process to add more images to your post.
- Click under the image(s) to add some text.
- When your post is ready, click ‘Create post’.
Why is my image being rejected?
- Make sure the image you’re trying to post is either a .jpg or a .png file. No other image file types will be accepted.
How do I make my image appear full-width in my post?
When you add an image to a post, click on it and choose ‘Full width’, as images display better in the Stitch Club members area if they are full-width.
How do I edit an image after it’s been posted?
- Inside the members area, click on your profile thumbnail image.
- On a laptop or desktop computer the thumbnail is in the bottom left corner.
- On a phone or tablet the thumbnail is in the top right corner.
- Click ‘View profile’.
- Click ‘Posts’.
- Locate the post you’d like to edit and click on it.
- Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post.
- Click ‘Edit post’.
- Make any changes.
- Click ‘Save’.
Why might you want to edit a post?
- If your image is not appearing full-width.
- If you’ve posted the image upside down.
- If the image didn’t upload and is missing from your post.
- If you want to add more images to your post.
Guidelines for posting images
- Always post images made in response to a particular workshop in the appropriate workshop space. This helps to keep things organised.
- The homepage is an automatically generated feed of everything posted across the whole of Stitch Club.
You can post images of textile art made outside of Stitch Club in the ‘Random’ space.