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What is the Stitch Club weekly digest?
The weekly digest is an optional automatically-generated email sent every Thursday to Stitch Club members. The digest features the most engaging posts and comments from the last week. It's designed to help you keep up to date with activity inside the Stitch Club members area, via your email inbox.
How do I opt in or out of the Stitch Club weekly digest?
- In the members area, click on your profile thumbnail image.
- On a laptop or desktop computer the thumbnail is in the bottom left corner.
- On a phone or tablet the thumbnail is in the top right corner.
- Click ‘Notifications’.
- To opt into the weekly digest, make sure the box next to ‘Weekly digest on Thursdays’ is checked. On a phone or tablet, slide the toggle on (green).
- To opt out of the weekly digest, make sure the box next to ‘Weekly digest on Thursdays’ is unchecked. On a phone or tablet, slide the toggle off (grey).
- Click ‘Save changes’.